June 6th, 2024 – Virtual
Meeting minutes taken and submitted by Davide Masato (2023-2024 SPE IMD Secretary).

Welcome & Opening Remarks (Jeremy Dworshak)
Roll Call: Participants 18 out of 22 active board members on roster: quorum achieved.

Meeting begins with intro and overview from Jeremy. Agenda matches the discussion from the strategy meeting. This is good and thank you everyone. Discussion transition to the next Chair, David Kusuma.
Approval of previous Meeting Minutes (Davide Masato)
Motion: pproval of previous meeting (20240322, Virtual). Motion (Davide Masato). Seconded by Edwin Tam. No discussion. All in favor.

Reports Discussion
Ballot results (Hoa Pham)
• Send contact information of interested voters to David K, Angela, Erik.
• Need volunteers for the future. Email Hoa interest for nominations.

Budget update (Ray sent email and Jeremy presented)
• We should expect our next Quarterly rebate any time. We also need to update our website maintenance that comes as a small cost. I don’t expect any other costs for this fiscal year. The fiscal year ends at the end of June.

Councilor meeting (Edwin Tam)
• David K: Is SPE collecting answers to the questions asked in the first slide? No information available. It was a planned discussion for ANTEC but not enough time. How should we expand the brand of SPE with IMD activities?

Action: Lynzie: There is an open call for councilors to join a subcommittee. Ed is thinking of volunteering. Vikram attended the meetings and shares frustration from other councilors (feel like they have been put in a corner). Vikram made the suggestion to form a subcommittee with old and new councilors.

Action: Jeremy: Will setup a separate discussion with the councilor. Let Jeremy know if you want to be invited.

Technical Programs
ANTEC (Davide/Chad):
Action: Can we bring the board on 3/3 to the U of Delaware? Or Sunday 3/2?
Sunday is likely going to work best with day-long meetings and reception in the evening.


  • Finding a time may be difficult. Cost vs. return?
  • Ed – suggest planning a small event.
  • Do other divisions organize receptions?
  • IMD reception in the past was a good outreach opportunity, awards, board recognition, share info about events.
    Action: Davide to reach out to HQ and then organize a subcommittee. Can the Chair-elect lead the organization of the reception?

National Week of IM:
• Registration is free for board members.
Action: Consider volunteering for networking roundtables.
• The website is ready. Information have been shared on Linkedin.
• Chad on the technical agenda:
Action: Still need a speaker. Sriraj and Srikanth provided suggestions.
Network roundtables. Opportunities for companies to sponsor.
Panel discussions will be live.

Different levels have been defined.
Sriraj has already interest from companies to sponsor.

• The LinkedIn page is live.
• Newsletter is status quo. Any updates on sponsorship for the newsletter? Something to be considered in the future, as of now we don’t seem to have any sponsorship income. Heidi has been working on the newsletter, but she has not been soliciting sponsorship.

Bylaws Update
• Proposing to have ANTEC TPC (1 year term) as an officer to ensure continuity in the role.
Ed makes the motion to approve. Davide second. All in favor, motion carries.
Jeremy will update the bylaws.

New Business
• Susan is on a 1-year term and will be on the ballot in March 2025.

• Pete Grelle scholarship: Jeremy spoke with Eve Vitale and prepared a PowerPoint. Endowment needs $50K and gives out at least $2.5k/yr. IMD has $21,900 with the foundation. This is not an endowment so keeps decreasing as scholarships are awarded. The money can be moved into an endowment. Ed mentions that we can also name one of the current scholarships. Brad Johnson was Chair when the balance was started in 2007. The understanding was that reaching $50k would make it an endowment.

Action: Jeremy will check with Eve on this to discuss how we can revamp this.
What are the fund fees for the endowment? There is a percentage taken on the profit before the scholarship is paid every year.


• Additive manufacturing conference (Susan)
Organized by the Cleveland section for October 17th 2024. Needs for IMD: speakers, sponsors, exhibitors. Brad Johnson is planning to bring students.

• Transition to David Kusuma and new chair presentation
Thank you Jeremy for all the work! Initiatives will continue in the next year. Focus will be extending on these initiatives with particular focus on:
• Publications to promote visibility.
• Opportunities for students and faculty to present technical papers.
• Building membership back up.
• How can we leverage partnerships within SPE and outside?
• Sponsoring a parts competition?
• Sponsorships and supporting scholarships.

Next board meeting will be in September. The plan is to have meetings every other month and meet in person if possible. Can we find more companies to visit (e.g., Husky, …).

Let David know if you want to nominate someone for a board position.

David will send out the next year plan/playbook to collect further inputs.

Meeting Adjourned at 12.41 pm EST